Saturday 10 September 2011

For Argument's Sake (or why the BBC has earned another nickname for that acronym.)

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on." --- George W. Bush.

There were so many things wrong with BBC's 9/11 Conspiracy Road Trip on Thursday night; it's hard to know where to start. Should it be with the flimsiness of the debunking? Or with the pseudo-science? Or with the choice of participants and experts? Or the content and editing aimed at manipulating the audience? All these aspects seemed so obvious. During and after the programme, comments flowed thick and fast online. One facebook user just writes, Lego? A youtube user, Building 7? So I don't know if it is necessary to say any more. For the sake of good argument, something which the BBC seems incapable of, I will. 

Irish comedian, Andrew Maxwell took five young Brits who thought some of the information supporting the fact there was a non-al-Qaida conspiracy behind 9/11 was true, on a coach trip with the intention of changing their minds. You notice, I use the word ‘fact’. Well, if I’m following Andrew’s example, I can present what I think as fact, whether I have enough reliable evidence to back it up or not.

Andrew Maxwell

He takes them to visit Ground Zero and other sites of significance whilst meeting various 'experts', officials and a 9/11 victim's mother, all the time trying to 'crack' them. (His own choice of language.)

The appointed 'voice of good reason,' talks about his five companions like they are psychiatric patients, often ridiculing or sympathising with their 'condition.' Maxwell's own views about 9/11 are not open to change, which is hypocritical since his whole mission is to convert and indoctrinate these discerning, young people to his own infallible way of thinking. We get the impression this whole reality TV ordeal is a drag for him and he just wishes they’d all shut up about this '9/11 crap' which he compares to believing in Santa Claus.

Andrew thinks that if he takes them to ground zero and introduces the idea of real suffering to them, it might give them a ‘reality check.’ Since when has looking for the truth about how a lot of people died been independent from sympathising with real suffering? That's a cheap shot aimed at guilt-tripping viewers to side with him. Surely it’s because there was so much suffering that so many people think 9/11 needs to be explained properly. Maxwell can't understand how ‘his guys’ could believe the American government could ever allow 9/11 to happen its own citizens.

Has he done any research into the history of the CIA or false flag attacks? Ever heard of Operation Northwoods or the PNAC document? Us Maine or the Gulf of Tonkin? No? Then please stop the endless flow of patronising vomit-turds leaving your lips. Thanks.

I understand where he’s coming from; I have faith in humanity too. I’m surrounded by many good and wonderful people most of the time but I am not gullible enough to project theirs and my own values onto a long line and organised cabal of unscrupulous psychopaths who laugh at the weakness of compassion and the very fact you attribute such a noble quality to them.

"Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushs have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." George Bush Sr. 1992."  

Sometimes, when I look George W. Bush's silly face during those moments in the Florida primary school, I want to believe he's just like any other man trying to do the right thing ..but then I remember everything else I know.

Funnily enough, on Wednesday night, another BBC documentary, 'Are You Good or Evil?' told us in no uncertain terms that 'Corporate culture today is ideal for the psychopath,' and, 'In high business you are four times more likely to find a psychopath than in the common crowd.' Logically, high business would include politicians with huge stakes in the oil business and the arms trade who have fraudulently muscled their way into government.

But why would Andrew have done any research himself? He's a comedian, not an investigative journalist. Why bother researching when you can lounge in front of BBC 24 all day and draw upon the official news for your jokes?

I've digressed a little so let's get back to the programme. Five 'conspiracy theorists,' and a bunch of 'conspiracy theories' for the BBC to debunk. I have given the five silly names; this is not how I see them but how I think they have been portrayed by the programme's editors.  

From left to right: Shazin smiley-less-cynical Nurse, Emily sensitive-unsure-student Church, Andrew reasonable-inoffensive-nice-chap Maxwell, Charlie confused-puppy Veitch, Charlotte baader-meinhof-nanny Scott-Hayes, 
and Rodney 'you'd-think-a science-graduate-would-be-more- rational' Chavrimootoo.

The terrorist pilots.

Charlotte says the amateur pilots could not have flown into the buildings with so little practice. Shazin is then taken in a two seater plane for a cruise around Manhattan. She is shown how to control and land the plane. She admits it was quite easy to fly. So, Conspiracy One debunked then. No one mentioned that the most complicated thing about the 9/11 flights wasn't flying headlong into a skyscraper, it was performing a stunt turn in a passenger plane (not a two-seater) and then flying into the Pentagon at ground level at over 500mph. The accused terrorist's flight school teachers even said they did not believe them capable of this in interviews included in the Loose Change films. Also:

‎"The government story they handed us about 9-11 is total bullshit, plain and simple. To expect this alleged airplane to run these manoeuvres with a total amateur at the controls is simply ridiculous."

Captain Russ Wittemberg, US Air Force, Pan Am and United Airlines pilot for 30 years.

Prior warning of a terrorist attack.

Emily's main bone of contention: why, if George W. Bush was given warning on August 6th 2011 (she's referring to the Presidential Daily Brief prepared by the CIA and given to Bush on that day entitled Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US) was there not maximum security implemented in US airports. Andrew takes them to meet a United Airways pilot called Buck Rogers. Buck says; 'Before 9/11, many airports didn't have metal detectors, and way before 9/11 sometimes people didn't have to walk through the metal detectors to get on the plane.' The metal detectors that weren't there, right? The inconsistency of this statement could be overlooked, for fear of sounding too pedantic but Buck also says that it was common to fly with the cockpit door open before 9/11. Of course, the BBC wouldn't want to mention Pilots for 9/11 Truth in their hit-piece; they are an organization founded in 2006 consisting of a growing number of aviation professionals who have analysed Data provided by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for the Pentagon Attack, the events in Shanksville, PA and the World Trade Centre attack. The data does not support the government story. The Pentagon and the NTSB/FBI refuse to comment. This entry on the Pilot's for 9/11 Truth website is of particular interest:


"according to Flight Data provided by the NTSB, the Flight Deck Door was never opened in flight. How were the hijackers able to gain access to the cockpit, remove the pilots, and navigate the aircraft to the Pentagon if the Flight Deck Door remained closed?"

It might be easy to scold Emily for not being as informed as she perhaps could and should have been for representing the third of Britain who identify with the 9/11 Truth Movement. However, remember the power of editing; Emily has since voiced her grievances about the editing and cut-outs from the show.

"Firstly, I must tip my hat to them, they did a wonderful editing job..Throughout my time on the show I asked question after question, I asked every single person we met whether they believed the official story to be true and the vast majority of them said no. Ask yourselves this question, why has the footage of us meeting Tom Owen, a voice analyst who worked on the Osama Bin Laden 'confession' tapes, been cut completely? There is a simple answer, because he told us not to believe the official report. Why? Because we aren't in the 'need-to-know' category, his words, not mine. Throughout our entire meeting with Tom Owen it was pretty much clear that the director of the show wasn't happy with his take, like most of our meetings with 'experts' she would try and steer the conversation in a direction that would better fit her hit piece."  

Emily Church on Facebook.

Controlled demolition of the twin towers.

Andrew admits Charlie has a strong case. Well, the towers did collapse at almost free-fall speed into their own footprints. Andrew tells Charlie; ‘This isn't a youtube video, now you're actually going to meet someone.’

The demolition expert, Brent Blanchard explains the process of installing explosives into a building's columns for a controlled demolition and it certainly seems like a lengthy one. Andrew concludes that such rigging could not have happened under the noses of so many workers. Of course, the BBC would not mention the testimony of Scott Forbes, employee of the Fiduciary Trust, which in 2001 occupied floors 90 and 94-97 of the South Tower and lost 87 employees plus many contractors on 9/11.

"On the weekend of 9/8,9/9 there was a 'power down' condition in WTC tower 2, the south tower. This power down condition meant there was no electrical supply for approx 36hrs from floor 50 up. I am aware of this situation since I work in IT and had to work with many others that weekend to ensure that all systems were cleanly shutdown beforehand ... and then brough[t] back up afterwards. The reason given by the WTC for the power down was that cabling in the tower was being upgraded ... Of course without power there were no security cameras, no security locks on doors and many, many 'engineers' coming in and out of the tower. I was at home on the morning of 9/11 on the shore of Jersey City, right opposite the Towers, and watching events unfold I was convinced immediately that something was happening related to the weekend work ..." Scott Forbes.

Blanchard then shows the group two stacks of Lego representing the towers. Charlie wants to know why the section of tower under the plane impact collapsed, instead of the upper section falling away after it began tilting to one side, apparently. Using the Lego, the expert describes how, as soon as the upper section began to tilt, the unstable weight would have compressed the floors beneath, thus causing the collapse. Charlotte raises the issue of the burning temperature of jet fuel; it's not hot enough to melt the steel core columns. 'Oh, it wouldn't need to,' says Blanchard. This is a remarkably strange response since the official explanation of how the towers collapsed is the pancake theory, in which the heat from the burning jet fuel weakened the steel causing trusses to snap and the floors to fall on top of one another. Astonishingly, Blanchard has just categorically stated that the heat from the burning jet fuel had nothing to do with the collapse of the twin towers. Other structural engineers have said that if a pancake collapse had occurred there would have been a pile up of floors at the bottom, not a fountain of phenomenal energy, jettisoning out steel beams and a cloud of pulverised concrete.

'Pancake' Collapse.

World Trade Centre Collapse

Building 7 was completely ignored throughout this section and the whole show; the building that collapsed at almost free-fall speed, into its own footprint when no plane hit it! Their next stop should be the families of the 9/11 victims involved in the BuildingWhat? campaign. Maybe then, Andrew could see that appreciating real suffering goes hand in hand with seeking the truth about how a lot of people died and why foriegn countries were invaded.

Charlie however, did not have such thoughts. His were: 'Now I've spoken to a guy who's explained why it happened and it all makes sense.' Incredible. A lot has been said about Charlie Veitch since the programme was filmed and there are many theories now circulating about him. I'll just say at best, he's highly suggestible, parroting whatever he last heard. Despite studying philosophy, he has the least aptitude for critical thinking out of the five. That's if he's genuine. 

Thermite in the towers.

However, Rodney and Charlotte are not convinced by this demonstration. Rodney says there have been scientific papers published about the presence of thermite at ground zero and that this powerful substance was used to bring the towers down. He and Charlotte speak to another 'expert' about this. He shows them pictures of such material in said scientific papers. The expert also says: 'There's no way to structurally explain the free-fall than some form of controlled demolition device. Why weren't those questions asked?' But then it quickly cuts away to the thermite demonstration supervised by a 'thermite expert' from the University of California. A loose pile of thermite is placed on a steel beam and ignited. It burns brightly and hotly but has little effect on the steel. I’m no expert but I’ve seen plenty of demonstrations on video of thermite cutting through steel. Many from BBC's own Brainiac: Science Abuse programme for kids. If thermite burns at above 2000c and doesn't affect the steel here, how would jet fuel which burns at 1000c, have affected the steel beams in the towers, which had a melting point of 1500c. But of course, that theory no longer applies anyway, as Blanchard demonstrated with his Lego towers. I’m not saying I think the towers were necessarily brought down by thermite/thermate, I just hate shoddy argument.

Thermite cutting through a steel safe and blowing it open. Brainiacs.

The experiment has still not 'cracked' Rodney or Charlotte. We now see an awkward moment between Charlie and Rodney, who is clearly not impressed by Charlie's sudden turnaround. Charlie begins a spiel about the NYPD and 'what was in it for the establishment actually?' (Although, earlier he was orating about the money being made in the wars, the arms trade and contracts etc.) Rodney walks away as Charlie holds the camera’s attention in a very thespian fashion, which comes across as unnatural. But later we learn that Rodney is evil because he leaves Andrew Maxwell's gig right in the middle of his orang-utan joke to take a call from his Mum who doesn't even know he's in the USA. Gasp! Rodney is dishonest! We cannot trust him!

Pentagon: Missile or Plane?

Next up is the proposal that a missile hit the Pentagon, not Flight 77. We see the replay of the footage released by the FBI which doesn’t make anything clearer, apparently. By this point, I’m really bored of Andrew Maxwell’s relentless narration, saying he’s trying to get their heads around the fact that 'this is nuts.' I want to hear more from the group.

Footage from CCTV camera released by FBI. (See something at 1.25)

They meet Alan Kilscheimer, a Structural Engineer for the Pentagon who has framed letters from Rumsfeld and Bush all over his office walls. We’re told he was one of the first on the scene when the Pentagon was struck. Andrew: ‘He should be able to tell us whether the Pentagon was hit by a plane or not.’
Kilscheimer says he saw parts of the plane in the building, and parts of stewardesses. In a while, when they go to Pennsylvania, we will be told by another expert that human beings explode like water balloons when hitting the ground, and that’s why there were no bodies at Shanksville. Kilscheimer shows us an animation of a passenger airplane going through the Pentagon. He explains how whilst travelling through three wings of the Pentagon, the plane disintegrated, (leaving body parts in recognisable stewardess attire.) The small hole in the other side of the building can easily be explained, says Andrew, because it’s where the tail remnants of the plane came out. Hmm, Kilscheimer just said ‘you’ve got to understand how explosions work’ to understand why the hole is small and round. So was the hole made by an explosion or the tail section of the disintegrating plane that was left inside? Never mind gut feeling; show me some science that makes sense.

Pentagon 'remnants' hole.

‎"With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased, rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon."

Col. George Nelson - Aircraft accident investigator, US Air Force.

The above extract from a report by Pilots for 9/11 Truth also supports that Flight 77 was not hijacked.

Air Traffic Control and Military not intercepting planes. 

Next, they meet Ben Sliney, Head of Air Traffic Control who basically says the attacks could have been prevented but they were all a little tardy and not really talking to each other that day. The USA spends more money on its military and air space surveillance programs than any other country. The BBC is making those programs sound as significant as milk tokens for mothers or horticultural therapy in prison. Oh, those government cuts!

"I'd also like to ask why footage of Ben Sliney saying that someone needs to held accountable for 9/11 was cut?" Emily Church

Flight 93 Disappeared.

"It does seem a bit strange for a plane to disappear but..."
Andrew Maxwell, Comedian.

Next the group go to Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to the place where Flight 93 crashed into the ground, leaving no bodies and no parts of plane, according to the official report.  The coroner‘s report says that the crash cannot be explained. Rodney rightly asserts that therefore, everything they are about to hear is speculation, not proof.

Crater at Shanksville.

Here we are presented with the craziest science yet. Greg Feith, former American Air Safety Investigator with the NTSB tells us that when Flight 93 hit the ground, the nose stopped but the rest of the plane still had so much energy that it collapsed into itself but by then it was 40 feet underground so the earth fell in on top of it and it was buried. That's why the crater was so shallow. But the black box was recovered almost immediately. We’re also told that on high speed impact, human bodies will explode like water balloons, like they didn’t in the Pentagon where Alan Kilscheimer saw deceased stewardesses. Feith then has the five doubters dropping stones into piles of flour; the stone, representing the plane; the flour, the ground. They are also given eggs to throw on the ground to see how something can shatter into tiny fragments. Then water balloons to demonstrate how debris can scatter over a large area. Hang on, Greg -  you've lost me. I only have a GCSE in Physics but a hard stone hitting a loose pile of soft flour just seems a little different from an egg hitting the hard ground. Which is the plane? The stone, the egg or the water balloon? Which is the ground? Soft, loose flour or hard concrete? What happened to the plane, Greg?  Did it get buried, did it shatter into tiny pieces, did it get scattered for miles, or are you talking total bullshit?

This isn't an inquest into Humpty-Dumpty's death, Feith.

3000 deaths, hundreds of thousands more in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Feith’s trying to justify it all with an egg? At least Charlie seems happy with this explanation, messing about with a model of a Boeing 757 when back on the bus, ignoring Rodney, the science graduate. Remember, Rodney didn’t tell his Mum about the trip!

Faked Phone Calls?

Next Andrew wants to prove the existence of Flight 93 by taking them to meet Mark Bingham’s mother, Alice Hoglan who received a call from her son who was on board Flight 93 when it was hijacked, according to the official story.

Shazin has chosen as her most definitive and irrefutable opposition to the official story, the theory that the phone calls were faked. How about Building 7? The missing 2.3 trillion? The mysterious deaths of 9/11 witnesses over the last ten years? Nope. It’s got to be the fake phone calls. Oh well. I expect this is down to the BBC's editing, those other questions may well have been asked over the course of the week.

Charlotte points out that during the phone call to his mother, Mark Bingham didn’t answer any direct questions but repeated what he had said first. This suggests that his voice could have been recorded previously, morphed and ‘played’ to his mother. This is how the conversation went.

M.B: “Hi Mom this is Mark Bingham. I want you to know that I love you. There’s three men that say they have a bomb.”
A.H: “Well, who are they, Mark?”
He repeated that he loved her and then the phone went dead. She phoned his cell back twice and left two messages.

Dr George Patterson(?) an inventor of voice morphing technology, takes a recording of Shazin’s voice. Her own words are; ‘I think everyone wants to be optimistic..’ and with his software he makes her say: ‘I think everyone wants to disappear and vanish.’ It is very convincing; it sounds exactly like her. However, Patterson thinks it would be too impractical to do in live time. Rodney says it could be done on a soundboard. I don’t know what that is but looking back at what Charlotte said, if Mark Bingham didn’t answer any questions and the conversation was one way, it could have been recorded and manipulated previously. 

What follows is an emotional and touching meeting with Alice Hoglan.  She tells the group that she subsequently heard the cockpit recording (from the recovered black box presumably.) She heard people running and someone shouting:  ‘In the cockpit! In the cockpit!’ and that’s it. For Andrew, the aim of meeting her is to convince the rest of the group that she believes she was talking to her son. Afterwards, reasonable-nice-chap Andrew escorts Alice back to her car, whilst Baader-meinhoff nanny Charlotte and Mum-hater Rodney are still not convinced. Rodney says he has no doubt that she believes she spoke to her son, but that it's still a possibility the phone call was faked. The technology is there, he says. It is a convenient ending for Andrew and the BBC. It’s obviously trying to ‘break’ the contestants with emotion and guilt, intending to make any who still think there was more to 9/11 than the official story, feel bad about doing so. Next we cut to an argument on the bus where Emily says Charlotte has a heart of stone, and I guess it’s edited like his because the audience is supposed to agree with her. (Emily later said they made up swiftly but this was cut.)

A reason why the BBC chose such young participants is that they anticipated they would be susceptible to this kind of crude manipulation and bias persuasion, and therefore ‘break’ easily.  There was no Richard Gage or Judy Wood to the themite expert. No David Ray Griffin to the Alan Kilscheimer.  No Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth to the Brent Blanchard. I could go on.
The BBC is saying: ‘If you think there was a US government or Mossad conspiracy behind 9/11, you don’t care about the victims.’ It’s reminds me of 1984 and double think:

New Enquiry=Cruel. Complicit Silence =Sympathy and Respect. 


Pentagon Memorial

As the group convalesce and reflect on all they've experienced at the Pentagon Memorial, Andrew reviews which ones he has managed to 'crack.' With Charlotte and Rodney, he has failed. Emily looks quite exhausted and is on the fence. Shazin says she's the 'least conspiratorial,' which is not what she means but we know what she means because we're all used to this new language by now, that the BBC and the government have invented for 9/11 and the War on Terror. Charlie has gone from being a high profile 'Truther' to dismissing everything he thought before as propaganda. In just one week. Hmm.

At least they can all agree on one thing, laments Andrew, that 9/11 was a tragedy. I think they knew that already but thanks, Andrew, without your guidance and this ridiculous programme, I may not have realised.

No doubt, I haven’t debunked all of the debunking in the programme as thoroughly as I might have with the information now available, but I will add this:  The ‘theory’ that the official report is not the be all and end all of 9/11, is not a linear argument that breaks when one piece of supporting information doesn't fit. The many questions that need to be answered have multiple strands with supporting evidence, and if one falls away, the whole thing does not break, or disintegrate, like planes. If it does, the same should be true of the official story.

I’m still not sure if it was worth tackling this programme but I hope I’ve highlighted some of the holes in the arguments in a more consistent way than they were presented to us. 

Thanks for reading.

Saturday 3 September 2011

On Robert Fisk on 9/11

The opening paragraph of Robert Fisk's article, 'The Lies we still tell ourselves about 9/11', published in Saturday's Independent:

"By their books, ye shall know them. I'm talking about the volumes, the libraries, nay- the very halls of literature- which the international crimes against humanity of 11 September 2001 have spawned. Many are spavined with pseudo-patriotism and self-regard, others rotten with the hopeless mythology of CIA/Mossad culprits, a few (from the Muslim world, alas) even referring to the killers as "boys", almost all avoiding the one thing which any cop looks for after a street crime: the motive."

He goes on to highlight in a tone of condemnation "hundreds of thousand of innocent deaths..lies and hypocrisy and sadistic torture by the Americans - our MI5 chaps just heard, understood, maybe looked, of course, no touchy, touchy nonsense- and the Taliban."

And then asks:

"Are we still not able to say those three sentences: the 19 murderers claimed they were Muslims. They came from the Middle East. Is there a problem out there?"

Throughout the article, Fisk's frustration and the cause of it is clear; despite 'the halls of literature', the 'deluge of post 9/11 trauma' TV and films, few have mentioned the word, Israel. Fisk comments on some of the deluge, and we get the firm impression that the answer to his own question lies in his quote from Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan's book, The Eleventh Day : "All the evidence.. indicates that Palestine was the factor that united the conspirators - on every level" and "Palestine was certainly the principal political grievance driving the young Arabs.."  

Parallel to this, he rightly emphasises that in this 9/11 fest, the media rarely mentions Iraq and when it does, does not explain "the degree to which 11 September 2001 provided the excuse for this 2003 war crime. (How many died on 9/11? almost 3,000. How many died in the Iraq war? Who cares?")

Fisk was in journalism when I was in nappies. He lived in Beirut for 30 years and has reported from all over the Middle East. Me? Oh, I've stopped over in Doha airport on the way to Vietnam. It doesn't really give me grounds to start criticising his views. A lot of the time, I wouldn't need to; I wholeheartedly agree with Fisk's assertions on the illegality of the Iraq war, the horror of the invasion of Afghanistan, the hypocrisy of the Americans, intelligence services and the Taliban. I condone his support for Palestine, his criticism of Israel, his scathing description of 'Obama on his knees before Netanyahu.'  Fisk wrote a brilliant an inspiring piece during the News International scandal earlier this year, in which he outlined his reasons for leaving Murdoch's The Times; Murdoch's bias toward Israel. I think of Fisk as a force for good, a humanitarian journalist, one who is motivated by the noble aim of disseminating the truth.

What I don't understand about Fisk on 9/11 is his simultaneously conflicting viewpoints on the 9/11 Truth Movement. I will define the term loosely: those who question the official 9/11 Commission and Warren enquiry and would like to see a new and impartial investigation carried out. Many in this bracket believe that The Bush Administration, the CIA or Mossad were compliant in, if not planned the attacks.

On the same page, Fisk regards the movement as 'rotten', but when he talks of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, he says he is 'not surprised that millions of Americans believe [what Scholars for 9/11 Truth have told us.]' 

The reason behind such mythology, he understands is 'the secretive, obtuse and sometimes dishonest account presented by the Whitehouse- not to mention the initial hoodwinking of the official 9/11 Commission staff.'

In an article about motive, I am surprised that Fisk does not discuss the motive behind such secretiveness. The official line would no doubt be 'National Security', or embarrassment limitation; the Whitehouse sheepishly trying to cover-up the incompetence of the world's most military equipped Super Power against some Arabs armed with box cutters. I anticipate Fisk would be willing to accept this line. But let's look back to 2007, to a previous  of Fisk's articles on 9/11 for The Independent titled, 'Even I question the truth on 9/11.'

The purpose of the first two paragraphs seem solely to separate himself from 'the ravers' who apparently plague his lectures worldwide, kicking chairs over.  The raver is irrational, sometimes distressed, forever asking Fisk, 'Why don't you reveal the truth behind 9/11?'

He says, "The assumption in each case is that Fisk knows – that Fisk has an absolute concrete, copper-bottomed fact-filled desk containing final proof of what "all the world knows."
I think that could be a crude assessment of the assumption behind the question, perhaps it is a badly articulated question and 'the raver' means, 'why don't you investigate the truth behind 9/11?' and, 'As this has had such a huge effect on the Middle East, don't you want to know what's behind it?'

This fear of being grouped with the 9/11 'ravers' and 'nutjobs' is endemic in the mainstream media. In any admission to the credibiltiy and legitimate questions of the  9/11 Truth Movement, a mainstream journalist always guards himself against the nutjob label, thus Fisk's opening paragraphs laying the ground; identifying the 'real nutjobs'; separating himself; I'm not a nutjob, but-.

"But – here we go. I am increasingly troubled at the inconsistencies in the official narrative of 9/11. It's not just the obvious non sequiturs: where are the aircraft parts (engines, etc) from the attack on the Pentagon? Why have the officials involved in the United 93 flight (which crashed in Pennsylvania) been muzzled? Why did flight 93's debris spread over miles when it was supposed to have crashed in one piece in a field? Again, I'm not talking about the crazed "research" of David Icke's Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster – which should send any sane man back to reading the telephone directory.
I am talking about scientific issues. If it is true, for example, that kerosene burns at 820C under optimum conditions, how come the steel beams of the twin towers – whose melting point is supposed to be about 1,480C – would snap through at the same time? (They collapsed in 8.1 and 10 seconds.) What about the third tower – the so-called World Trade Centre Building 7 (or the Salmon Brothers Building) – which collapsed in 6.6 seconds in its own footprint at 5.20pm on 11 September? Why did it so neatly fall to the ground when no aircraft had hit it? The American National Institute of Standards and Technology was instructed to analyse the cause of the destruction of all three buildings. They have not yet reported on WTC 7. Two prominent American professors of mechanical engineering – very definitely not in the "raver" bracket – are now legally challenging the terms of reference of this final report on the grounds that it could be "fraudulent or deceptive".

If I were at a lecture of Fisk's, I would ask why these questions are not as important to him now as they were four years ago. I would, of course, supress all traces of outrage, passion, or disbelief in my voice, in case I might sound like 'a raver.' I'm finding the whole 'nutjob thing' so tiresome and old to be honest.

Former BBC Middle East Correspondent Alan Hart revealed in an interview with Alex Jones, his knowledge about 9/11 and his true thoughts on Mossad involvement. He said he didn't include them in his book because he didn't want to come under attack and be labelled as a conspiracy theorist which would distract from the rest of his book's content. But since his book has been published by the time of the interview and he no longer works for the BBC, it is a lot easier for him to share his unique knowledge.

Alan Hart: "The time has come to end my silence. The mainstream media has betrayed democracy."

In Fisk's July article for the Independent 'Why I had to leave The Times,' he talked of self-censorship; how journalists under Murdoch just knew what was printable and what was out of bounds. Yet, he appears to have exercised a form of self-censorship in The Independent also: 'our MI5 chaps just heard, understood, maybe looked, of course, no touchy, touchy nonsense,'  he scoffs. It is humorous in its simultaneous obedience and rejection of MI5's official line but it also says, 'I'm going to say something without really saying it, because I know where my boundaries lie.'

I wonder if Fisk is aware that families of 9/11 victims are leading the BuildingWhat? campaign, which aims to raise awareness of Building 7 and demand that New York City Council and Manhattan District Attorney  open an investigation into Building 7′s destruction.

Building 7 is weakly linked to the hijackers, cough, whose flight school teachers said were terrible pilots, cough. See, now I'm doing it! As Fisk himself says in his 2007 article: 'World Trade Centre Building 7 collapsed in 6.6 seconds in its own footprint at 5.20pm on 11 September? Why did it so neatly fall to the ground when no aircraft had hit it?'  Does Fisk think the answer to that question lies in the Palestinian -Israeli conflict? To suggest explosives were present in the building is a less 'hopeless' notion. So how did they get there? Who put them there? Supporters of Palestine??
The more you take Building 7 into account, the more the likelihood of the 9/11 Commission and its version of events unravels.

In Saturday's article Fisk rubbishes the myth that '9/11 changed the world forever'- it was the Bush/Blair repetition of this dangerous notion that allowed their thugs to indulge in murderous invasions and torture.. '

Can you spot the clue in there? Wasn't 9/11 and the media's  repitition of the above notion just a little too convenient for US foreign and domestic policies, some of which had been outlined long before? 

General Wesley Clark on 9/11

Fisk focuses on the alleged hijacker's motives but little on our governments' motives. Does he, as a journalist reporting on war, really think that Bush and Blair endorsed the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions with the aim of defeating an enemy and protecting our nations? Why did our Prime Minister ignore the million who turned up in London to protest against it? Did they think they needed 'protecting?' Does Fisk believe that bullshit that at the time Blair really did think Iraq had WMDs?  Does Fisk not think these wars were at all about oil, opium control, the industrial military complex, the Patriot Act, etc etc? 

Yes, the Arab world may well be angry about Palestine, some may well want to attack countries that support Israel. On my pathetic excuse for a trip to the Middle East: Doha Airport, I was sat next to a Pakistani man. He wanted to talk about Islam. I wanted to talk about 9/11. He said a true Muslim would never take his own life, never mind another's; suicide is the worst sin. He also shrugged and asked, "Why do you think the Arab world would want to attack America?" 
"Palestine?" I said. He nodded.  

Fisk has a completely valid point and in all this deluge of '9/11 Ten Years On' media, the West should indeed be thinking about Israel and our relationship with it. But is he missing another point? If I had the chance, I'd offer to sift through some of the deluge for him and ask him to reconsider his views in light of Alan Hart's interview and David Ray Griffin's book, 'The New Pearl Harbour,' which details FBI HQ ignoring prior warnings from lower levels about an upcoming attack and blocking investigations, the PNAC New Pearl Harbour document, and many other startling pieces of information. Maybe look at those things before dismissing the truth movement as 'rotten.'
It hardly seems like a fair adjective for those who are also passionately opposed to war and war criminals, and whose questioning of the Official report does not indicate disrespect for the 9/11 victims and their families, but quite the opposite.   


Operation Northwoods
Operation Northwoods: Unclassified documents which outline false-flag operations that originated within the United States in 1962. The proposals called for the CIA or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Why Pop Stars Are Like Shops

The concept that mainstream music artists are like brands is nothing new but these days I'm seeing a closer resemblance to supermarkets: they seem to be parred down to a handful and they're difficult to totally avoid. They are everywhere, whether we like it or not, invading our psyches via TV or Radio (unlucky if Radio 1 is the populist choice in your workplace, or it’s company policy to play MTV on the big screens during your bar job shifts). Sound bites and gossip about celebrities and pop stars constantly dilute the news and swamp the Internet. Pictures of half-naked socialites and details of film-star diets accompany headlines about rioting and war.

‘You can’t stop talking about me, tweeting about me' goads X Factor contestant turned UK chart topper, Cher Lloyd in her debut single ‘Swagger Jagger’. Well, in response I'd say, that’s because you're bloody everywhere, like Tesco Express. I didn’t pick her, I didn’t buy her single, I didn't google her but I still heard about her. So curiosity got the better of me and I did listen to her song and it was as bad as everyone said it was. I’m not what she might call a 'hater'; hate's a strong word and takes way too much effort but her song is as wrong as a tub of Tesco's pre-made sandwich filler. 

I consciously try to avoid 'the big four' and always Tesco since they plonked an EXTRA in the middle of our small seaside town. Instead, I aim to support small, local, independent shops when I can. The food is usually better and fresher. It's a pleasanter experience and great to see an employee being treated like a human being and not a corporate slave at the bottom of a capitalist pyramid. But now and again I just end up in a supermarket because I need a bottle of water, or it's Sunday, or 8 o clock at night, or I've only got £3.50 left until Wednesday. They are getting more and more difficult to avoid in modern life. They have driven out the competition and dominated the market with lower prices, big advertising campaigns and sheer prolificacy. Many people have become reliant on them for the majority of their weekly shopping. 
These days you can neither go to a large music festival without the headlining presence of one of the major music ‘brands’: Beyonce, J-Zay, Rihanna, Jessie J, Black Eyed Peas etc.

In some people's eyes the number of fans these artists have should reflect their talent. But really, it reflects their coverage, the influence of their sponsors and the clout of their advertising campaigns. They are just like the supermarkets that have the biggest presence. Not necessarily the best but people get used to going there. 

Have their fans really had a good look around? They might find there’s the musical equivalent of a local delicatessen or real patisserie down the road, run by some not so famous people who make a damn good musical croissant and will even give you the time of day and have a chat about what’s really going in the world instead of going on and on about their own sex lives, wealth and fame. 
Rihanna is not a great vocalist live; she sings along to a backing track, karaoke style, rarely finishing a lyric but giving it a lot of sassy attitude. It doesn’t seem to deter her fans. What she lacks in vocal talent she makes up for in plenty of costume changes, elaborate staging and headline-grabbing displays of apparent sexual willingness towards the audience. Unfortunately, one of her songs was drilled into my head. I'm afraid I caught myself humming S & M whilst doing the washing up. So the songs are catchy? Perhaps, but so are commercial jingles if you hear them enough times. I could just as well have been humming: 'Washing machines live longer with Calgon!'

So here are some more specific pop star-shop analogies:

Beyonce and J-Zay are Asda because Asda pretend to be a wholesome outfit with family values, providing low cost food to the hardworking men and women out there but actually they're owned by evil Walmart and are rapidly destroying the world and your health. Beyonce with her bum shaking and bling flaunting reminds me of the infamous pocket-tap Asda advert. Ching ching! Listen to that change jangle!

Lady Gaga is Morrisons, because the logo is lurid yellow like her hair and both have a penchant for pyramids. She could make a wonderful new dress out of scallops from their fresh fish deli. But be careful, she is secretly teaming up with Beyonce at Asda and poisoning you ala Telephone! 

Rihanna is Tesco because the good girl gone bad is the most openly amoral. Tesco had no qualms about saying no to a certain TV chef's free range chicken campaign. And Rihanna had no qulams about her S & M video being banned in several countries: "Controversy means more publicity and more success", she chirped in an interview after the Brit awards. Controversy is good for Rihanna business. Cheap chicken is good for Tesco business. Rihanna and Tesco appeal to the lowest common denominator in people; for Tesco customers it's cheap, battery-farmed chicken breasts and thighs. For Rihanna fans, it's just breasts and thighs. With her new single 'Cheers' she advises alcohol as a way of shaking off one's problems; "Turn it around with another round," she sings. Drinks manufacturers and supermarkets can only be too pleased about this endorsement. And since many in the US are living in tent cities due to the global recession, they have lots of problems to escape. 2 for 1 on strong lager anyone? The only way Tesco could be more like Rihanna was if the cashiers spoke over a pre-programmed backing script and never finished a sentence themselves.

The Black Eyed Peas are Spar because they're just, well, a bit shit and full of dodgy raw ingredients that's been over-processed and disguised by some sort of nasty cheese sauce. 

Ndubz is Iceland because I've never been there and probably never will.

Britney Spears is Woolworths, once full of cheeky pick-n-mix, fluffy hairbobbles and school uniforms, but now sadly dysfunctional.

Coldplay are Waitrose because they're all posh and piously sanctimonious with their Make Poverty History bracelets and responsibly sourced crayfish tails.

That leaves Sainsbury's and I'll have to give that to Jessie J because of the J and because she's British.  And even though Price Tag was an annoying song that grated on me for a whole working summer, it's much better to hear kids sing, 'It's not about the money,' than 'Sex in the air, I love the smell of it,' (Rihanna) so that's like sainsbury's commitment to Fairtrade bananas in my mind!

So remember to SHOP AROUND! Keep supporting the small shops. Keep listening to, tweeting about, talking about and sharing good music otherwise we face a dystopian future of only Tesco and Asda and only Rihanna, Beyonce or Gaga!! Arghh!!


Starsuckers.  A very interesting and well researched docu on the cult of celebrity. 

Jarvis Cocker- Running the World.  Jarvis' heartfelt bid for alternative xmas No.1 Excuse the language, but come on, that's what swearing is for.

Guy De Bord's Society of the Spectacle  For those who aren't familiar with this site and the themes within, it's a real eye opener..